Rares sont les pays du monde à avoir légalisé le cannabis. Mais dans ces Etats, "on a des études extrêmement précises qui démontrent qu'en quelques années, le trafic de stupéfiants tend à décroître", selon un juriste interrogé par franceinfo.
et si dessous une declaration du conseil de l'Europe
https://data.consilium.europa.eu/doc/do … NIT/en/pdf
RECOGNISING that the stigmatisation linked to drug use and drug-use disorders needs to be addressed, especially as this stigma may have detrimental effect on the mental and physical health of people who use drugs, particularly of those in vulnerable and marginalised situations, and could also act as a barrier to seeking support
RECOGNISING that the multifaceted nature of the drug phenomenon requires a comprehensive approach which incorporates a gender and age perspective and promotes both gender equality and non-discrimination of persons in vulnerable and marginalised situations
INVITES EU Member States to further promote drug policies that adhere to human rights, address discrimination, and reduce the stigma on people who use drugs, in order to ensure voluntary access to services, including prevention, evidence-based life-skills programmes, risk and harm reduction, early detection and intervention, counselling, treatment, rehabilitation, social reintegration and recovery of people who use drugs, as well as treatment of drug-related comorbidities
A la longue, les cons vont finir par se retrouver bien seuls !
Dernière modification par prescripteur (11 mai 2023 à 16:49)
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