DMBDP remplacent de la 3MMC/3CMC

itsme123 non binaire
Nouveau membre
30 novembre 2023 à  20:34

Etant donné qu'il est beaucoup plus compliqué de trouver de la 3CMC sur Paris
Un dealer m'a donner une nouvelle molécule dont je n'ai jamais entendu parlé.

Il m'a dit qu'il l'avait fait testé à Paris et que c'était de la "DMBDP".
Il m'a dit que c'était plus fort que la 3MMC et qu'en forte dose il pouvait y avoir des bads trips ou paranoïa.

Auriez vous des retours RDR ou autre informations à propos de ça ? car je n'ai trouvé aucunes infos sur le web hmm

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Bonjour, il semble que ce soit de la dimethylpentylone ou un isomere. Amicalement … fd3973aa_1

Executive summary
Dipentylone (IUPAC name: 1-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-2-(dimethylamino)pentan-1-one, also known as N,N- dimethylpentylone, dimethylpentylone or bk-DMBDP) is a synthetic cathinone with a chemical structure and pharmacological similar to those of other Schedule I (under the 1961 United Nations Conventions)
synthetic cathinones (e.g. methylone) and other Schedule I and II (under the 1961 United Nations Conventions) psychostimulants (e.g. cocaine, methamphetamine, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine
[MDMA]). No medical use of dipentylone was identified. Dipentylone has not previously been reviewed by
the WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence.
Reports from law enforcement encounters and from people who use dipentylone indicate that dipentylone is mainly taken orally and can be also smoked. It is commonly sold as other substances (e.g. MDMA, 2C-B, alprazolam, 4-MMC).
No reports were found on the absorption, distribution, metabolism or excretion of dipentylone.
Nevertheless, pentylone has often been detected with dipentylone, but at a lower concentration, suggesting that pentylone is a metabolite of dipentylone.
The binding affinity of dipentylone to the dopamine transporter (DAT) is more similar to that of cocaine than to that of methamphetamine or MDMA. Dipentylone was about twice as potent in inhibiting dopamine uptake as cocaine or MDMA but less potent than METH. Dipentylone stimulated locomotor activity in mice in a time- and dose-dependent manner.
Dipentylone has been identified in several toxicology cases, including antemortem and postmortem investigations; however, the toxic doses of dipentylone were not provided. Reported adverse effects included increased energy, enhanced senses, relaxation, increased confidence, euphoria, empathy, insomnia, memory loss, paranoia and confusion.
No studies of its dependence potential in animals or humans were identified. In drug discrimination studies
in rats, dipentylone fully substituted for the discriminative stimulus effects of cocaine and methamphetamine, suggesting its potential for abuse. It substituted only partially for the discriminative stimulus effects of MDMA. No studies of the abuse potential of dipentylone in experimental animals or humans were identified, but its structural similarities with other synthetic cathinones and controlled substances suggest that it has potential for abuse by humans.
Dipentylone has no known therapeutic or industrial uses or any marketing authorizations.
Dipentylone was first detected in Sweden and in Kansas (USA) in 2014. Since then, dipentylone has been detected in 33 US states. Dipentylone is not currently controlled under the 1961, 1971 or 1988 United Nations Conventions but is controlled under legislation in a number of countries.

Street names
The chemical names listed above may be used as street names. Other names include DMBDP, Bk-dmbdp, betaK-Dmbdp BU crystal

Dernière modification par prescripteur (30 novembre 2023 à  23:28)

S'il n'y a pas de solution, il n'y a pas de problème. Devise Shadok (et stoicienne)

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Un TR sur reddit dit que c’est de la merde.

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Anst homme
Nouveau membre France
02 décembre 2023 à  21:55
J'en ai eu pas un dealer parisien aussi cet été, les gars du labo avaient 0 infos, et y'a rien sur le net quasiment à propos de ce truc, de mon expérience: c'est une cathinone stimulant euphorisant, proche 3c/3mmc, sans trop de redosing compulsif qui pique pas le piff mais le gros gros point noir : l'effet est extrêmement long, genre tu restes stim bien 8h après avoir arrêté d'en prendre, même après 48h sans dormir...

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