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this does not mean that there will be no interaction, and since dopamine is a precursor to norepinephrine in the catecholamine synthetic pathway, there is potential for excess of norepinephrine (excess dopamine can lead to increased norpeinephrine, since dopamine is released by opioids and venlafaxine, at 150+ mg doses inhibits norepi reuptake). it is unlikely if both are being used at therapeutic doses (although my cat is unaware if 'therapeutic' doses of kratom have been formally established), since opioid analgesics do not seem to be an issue for people on venlafaxine as far as interactions are concerned.
Après, c'est le fruit d'une recherche de trois secondes, pas forcément ultra fiable.
Je veux pas te faire la leçon, mais la prochaine fois renseigne toi bien avant tout mélange, ça peut-être dangereux pour ta santé (notamment la fameux syndrome séroto !).
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[ Forum ] Effets - Plusieurs kratom testé et aucun éffet : je n'y comprend rien
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[ PsychoWIKI ] Kratom, effets, risques, témoignages |